Friday, January 2, 2015
Resolution number one...
2:22 PM
for the new year was to unsubscribe from all of the annoying advertising emails that clutter my inbox every day, all day. It's amazing how much of an information trail we leave when we surf the web, not to mention when we order something online. After pressing the delete button at least a million times over the past year, yesterday I decided that instead of just continuing to delete the offending emails, I would unsubscribe to each one and then delete it. At least fifty times - between yesterday and today - so far! I am interested to see how many of these message actually stop arriving on a daily basis. I know I can't be the only person whose inbox is inundated every single day. Any better ideas than just unsubscribing? I can only hope it works better than the National Do No Call List!

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Thursday, January 1, 2015
A new year, a new start...
11:30 PM
It sure seems like 2014 just flew by - now that it's January 1 again. On the other hand, it didn't seem to pass quickly while the days and months passed. A friend of mine once said that life is like a roll of toilet paper, the older you get the closer you are to the end of the roll - and so time seems to pass more quickly. I'm hoping I'm only in the middle of the roll allotted to me... Happy New Year - and here's to a busy and productive 2015!

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